Moving Pictures -- Technology Now

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Moving Pictures -- Technology Now

Michael Rissi
Published by Michael Rissi in Moving Pictures -- Sideline Static · Thursday 19 Feb 2015
Video technology has advanced so far and so fast, everyone who has a smart phone can put together a professional looking video with very little effort or expense.

Any parent, for example, can now "video" almost every aspect of her child's life from start to finish.  (For that reason, our society might be producing the most image conscious and narcissistic generation in history, but that's another story.)

For filmmakers such as myself, who produce industrial and corporate videos in between entertainment projects, the name of the game is commercial viability.

Professional image acquisition with quality lighting, sound, and slick post production finishing still takes more time, effort and expertise than the average consumer cares to attempt.  And talent and taste still make a difference.

Even so, the means of production change rapidly today, and that includes the price of the equipment needed to produce professional level material.  

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